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Our curriculum follows the White Rose scheme of work. Planning is carefully crafted into ‘small steps’ which are taught separately to ensure pupils develop a deeper understanding and ‘master’ mathematical concepts. Fluency, reasoning and problem-solving as well as conceptual understanding are key elements of everyday maths lessons.

Each day includes also includes a ‘Fluent in five’ session. This is a ten-minute session where children respond to five Arithmetic maths questions which have been carefully planned to recap concepts, practice facts and develop fluency.


Mental Maths

Alongside everyday mathematics teaching, we use a whole-school approach to learning KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts) These are designed to support the development of the mental fluency skills that underpin much of the mathematics curriculum. They are particularly useful when calculating, be it adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing. Each year group is allocated up to six facts to focus on throughout the year, in line with the National Curriculum and age-related expectations.

You can read more about our approach to teaching maths by clicking on the following links:

Calculation Policy Starbeck Primary Academy

KIRFS Starbeck

Maths in the EYFS at Starbeck Primary Academy

Nursery Maths Curriculum

Receptions Maths Curriculum

Starbeck White Rose Maths Overview

Teaching for Mastery Mathematics at Starbeck School