Personal development

​Going beyond the academics to develop well-rounded, engaged children by creating links and sharing celebrations with the local community, observing seasonal events and invisitng visitors into school. 

Impact evident beyond their school lifetime: 

  • Discussion of current affairs weekly in class and through media such as Newsround.
    Understanding and supporting community and national charities and initiatives, such as Children in Need, Comic Relief


  • Focus weeks such as Black History month
  • Planned Assemblies
  • National events such as Chinese New Year, World mental health day, Rosh Hashanah

Confidence, resilience & knowledge to cope with external influences

  • Providing a safe, secure learning environment
  • Clear values-resilience
  • Welfare/wellbeing check ins for individuals

Preparing for adult life in society – plentiful opportunities

  • Promoting aspirations and goals for future and later life

Responsible, respectful & active citizens

  • Staff model how to be responsible and respectful, promoting high expectations for all pupils
  • School council and Year 6 lunch helpers

Fundamental British Values

  • Teaching of the basic British Values of democracy, rule of Law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
  • Head Pupil and school council elections

Equality of opportunity, difference = positive

  • Staff promote a positive ethos and develop positive relationships with all pupils
  • Rewards and sanctions that are fair and consistent
  • Celebration assembly, recognises achievements in school and out of school

Protected characteristics

  • Any discrimination is challenged and not tolerated

Inclusive environment

  • Adaptations to the environment and learning to enable all pupils to achieve
  • Supportive playtimes, with activities, sports monitors and Year 6 helpers

Citizenship, RE, PHSE, RSE & healthy relationships

  • North Yorkshire PSHE & Citizenship Curriculum
  • A detailed yearly Assembly plan
  • Local Authority agreed RE syllabus
  • Weekly ‘Wednesday Wellbeing’ assemblies to focus on key skills
  • KS2 time to talk box

Extracurricular activities – range & take-up

  • A range of lunchtime and after school clubs that are available to all pupils
  • Music lessons, Sporting influence and sports clubs

Curriculum, assemblies, wider opportunities, visits, discussions, literature

  • The curriculum is taught through engaging fun topics and themes
  • Learning about Sustainability such as our allotment and Echo project involvement
  • Educational visits in all Year groups
  • Visits to NSAT green spaces and farms
  • Enjoyment of texts and literature through our school library, various texts linked to a range of subject areas
  • Starbeck Curriculum stars

Online risks incl. wellbeing, awareness of support offered

  • Taught online safety

Physical health – nutrition & exercise in & beyond school day

  • Opportunities for outdoor learning in different subjects
  • 2 hours of PE every week
  • Active learning during lessons

Readiness for next stage of education

  • Transition meetings for all stages of transition-new class, new Key stage, new school.
  • Links with Secondary school-visits from Year 7 teachers

Spiritual, moral, social & cultural education:

  • Spiritual: respect, beliefs, awe & wonder, imagination creativity, reflection
  • Moral: right & wrong, the law, consequences of behaviour, debate respectfully
  • Social: involved in community (volunteering), conflict resolution, acceptance & engagement with FBV
  • Cultural: heritage, appreciation of cultures in school, value similarities and differences, knowledge of parliamentary system, participate in artistic, musical, sporting & cultural opps, interest & respect for different faiths
    • High expectations for all pupils
    • School rules
    • Positive relationships with parents/carers
    • FOSS
    • Carefully planned and organised assembly themes
    • Links with local community –Remembrance day readings, visits to Station Parade


  • Up to date policies
  • RSE taught as part of North Yorkshire PSHE scheme
  • Up to date training and SEND support